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January 28, 2020

UMass Memorial alerts staff to coronavirus procedures

Photo | Grant Welker UMass Memorial Medical Center's Memorial Campus in Worcester

UMass Memorial Health Care in Worcester has created an alert for its medical staff in the event a patient has traveled to China or Southeast Asia and is showing symptoms of coronavirus.

A staffwide alert in the hospital's electronic medical records system, known as Epic, would also be triggered if someone has been in close contact with a person suspected of or diagnosed with the disease.

The alert went into effect Saturday and will remain in place until UMass' infection control determines it is no longer a risk, according to a notice sent to hospital caregivers.

Such a patient should immediately be isolated, the notice said.

The precautionary step at UMass comes as the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued a recommendation travelers avoid all nonessential travel to China, where coronavirus has originated.

Five people in the United States — in Arizona, California, Illinois and Washington — have tested positive for coronavirus as of Tuesday, according to the CDC. Another 32 have tested negative, and 73 have tests pending. In all, 26 states have at least one person the CDC considers under investigation for the disease.

Worldwide, 106 people have died and more than 4,500 have been sickened, according to The New York Times.

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February 26, 2020
Actually worldwide there have been more than 2,500 deaths. Also “more than 4,500 have been sickened”, is a vast understatement for the 81,000 confirmed cases. I’m starting to think the media is under reporting this information on purpose.
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