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July 28, 2010

Managing To Succeed

After the almost constant stream of layoffs over the last couple of years, it might seem like the ranks of managers would have been winnowed down to the most competent, but a new survey by global talent management firm OI Partners/FS&F suggests that employers don't think that's the case.

The firm surveyed 262 employers, most of them large or mid-sixed.

More than half of those surveyed said some of their managers don't have the skills to achieve their business goals. More than a third said some executives don't have the right stuff either.

The main reason employers cited for managers and executives not working out involved management skills like leadership, motivating people and team building. Asked why executives sometimes don't work out in their position, 65 percent of employers mentioned inadequate management skills, while just 35 percent said job skills were the main issue.

Managers' inability to handle change was an issue for 53 percent of companies, and 45 percent had the same concern about executives.

For managers and executives who want to make sure they're working up to their employers' expectations, OI Partners suggests focusing on motivation and teamwork, using low-cost tools like face-to-face meetings and personalized notes to show appreciation. The firm also says a positive attitude, consistent communication with supervisors and taking credit for your achievements are all important.

To read more about the survey, click here.

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