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  • Shop Talk
    Shop Talk

    Q&A: Worcester medical spa works to preserve natural beauty

    Sloane M. Perron

    Kasia Dodman’s life has been a series of unexpected twists and turns. An immigrant from Poland, Dodman had no family in the U.S., no money, and could not speak a word of English when she first moved to Worcester.

  • Table Talk Pies sold to Minnesota bakery business backed by private equity firm

    Rise Bakery Co. is part of the portfolio of Olympus Partners, a private equity firm founded in 1988 and based in Stamford, Connecticut.

  • Advice

    Strategies for small businesses to navigate the current economy

    Stephanie Martin and Chris Hudach

    So, how can business owners meet their revenue expectations as we head into the second half of 2024?

  • Advice

    101: How to engage younger employees

    Sloane M. Perron

    Companies are seeing a transformation in their workforces as Gen Z and Millennials join the ranks Baby Boomers once held. Since each generation has different characteristics, managers are using a myriad of tactics to attract younger professionals.

  • Advice

    10 Things I know about ... Compliance risk

    Janelle Drolet

    Janelle Drolet, vice president of operations and sales for Towerwall cybersecurity consulting firm in Framingham, offers some advice regarding compliance risk.

  • Opinion

    Viewpoint: Good news about local news

    Mark Henderson

    Yes, newspapers, the institutions we generally think of when considering the state of media, have seen more than their share of declines. However, most of us who care about local news and for a generation have been longing for what was, we are missing what's taking place right in front of us.

  • Editorial

    Editorial: Maintain a pragmatic approach to Chinese companies

    In U.S. election years, little on the political front seems to be subtle or nuanced. Complex policy proposals can easily get whittled down to single sound bites, as partisans cast fear when attacking the other side’s position. However, there seems to be one issue where of late both sides of the aisle seem to be on the same page: China=bad.

  • Opinion

    A Thousand Words: Central Mass. business confidence rising

    Ramón L. Sandoval

    Central Massachusetts business leaders are mildly optimistic as to where the economy has gone and is going in 2024. According to results from WBJ's Midyear Economic Survey, 64% of respondents said the local economy would improve either significantly or slightly in 2024.

  • Editorial

    From the Editor: Looking beyond the economic forecast

    Economic projections and forecasts are a funny exercise. Trying to predict how the economy will look in the future is certainly a worthy effort, and many professionals’ lives are centered around figuring out what comes next for business and industry.

  • Movers & Shakers
    Movers & Shakers

    Movers & Shakers for June 24, 2024

    Employees at Glickman Kovago & Jacobs, Fidelity Bank, and Walker Development & Construction Management are on the move.

WBJ Web Partners

Today's Poll

Should Central Mass. cities and towns lift their bans on cannabis businesses?
Poll Description

While medical marijuana dispensaries are legal throughout Massachusetts, the same cannot be said for recreational-use dispensaries. A number of Central Massachusetts cities and towns currently have bans for recreational-use businesses, including Acton, Hopkinton, Lancaster, Milford, and Northborough. For communities without bans, they can collect a 3% excise tax, along with host community fees. In 2024, both Worcester and Blackstone collected more than $1 million in cannabis excise taxes, while Millville, Winchendon, and Hopedale all increased their tax collections significantly because of the cannabis tax.