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January 20, 2009

Suzanne Morrissey, Editor, Holy Cross Magazine


The College of the Holy Cross recently hired Suzanne Morrissey, a woman with experience in many corners of the magazine publishing world, as editor of its alumni magazine. WBJ asked a few questions and found that she feels she's filling some big shoes taking over for a previous editor who was also a Holy Cross graduate and longtime city resident.

Vital Stats:
• Age: 38
• Residence: Sutton
• Family: Wonderful extended family in New England and North Carolina
• Education: B.A. in English from Emory University in Atlanta
• Previous job: Freelance editorial consultant and writer for national magazines (based in Greensboro, NC). Before that, senior editor for Better Homes and Gardens Special Interest Media in Des Moines, Iowa.
• Start date at new job: Jan 12, 2009

Q. How are you settling in at your new office?
A. A good chunk of my background is in interior design magazines, so I'm daydreaming about a super-mod office makeover! But in reality, all I truly need is a computer and a mug of pens. So I'm settling in just fine. Plus, the public affairs team here has been warm and welcoming, making it very easy for me to get acclimated.

Q. What's the biggest surprise you've had in starting the job?
A. How involved the Holy Cross alumni are. I knew they had a great reputation for being active with the college, but I think they're even more involved than I anticipated. It's terrific.

Q. What challenges do you see in your new position?
A. My predecessor, Jack O'Connell, was not only a Worcester native, he also attended Holy Cross. So his personal history with this place runs very deep. My challenge will be plugging into the community on many levels and doing it as quickly as possible so the magazine can continue to bring meaningful, thought-provoking stories to its readers.

Q. How different is this job from your previous position?
A. Well, I can't come to work here in my PJs!

Q. How close is this to what you imagined in high school you'd end up doing?
A. Happily, it's very close. I knew I wanted to be a journalist very early on. (I thank a series of top-drawer English teachers for that...they showed me how important the written word is to a free society.) I imagined I'd be in newspapers, but my career took me into magazines instead. That's the only difference from my high school dream.

Q. Where's the best place to get lunch near your new location?
A. As I answer these questions, I am eating a scoop of mac and cheese from Crossroads, the cafeteria in the basement of the Hogan Student Center. I may need to enter some kind of comfort food rehab program if they serve this more than once a week!

Q. What do you hope to be doing 10 years from now?
A. Celebrating my 10-year anniversary at Holy Cross, of course! Perhaps over a bowl of mac and cheese.

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