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July 13, 2009

Survey: Most Have Made E-mail Mistakes

Nearly 80 percent of respondents to a Creative Group survey say they've sent e-mail they regretted sending and some were willing to share details of their worst offenses.

Respondents said they had sent a job offer to the wrong candidate, had forwarded confidential salary information to the entire company and sent a memo on bathroom etiquette to a prospective client.

The Creative Group, a staffing agency for the advertising and marketing industry, said avoiding e-mail disasters is as simple as paying close attention when sending messages. The firm said that in this economy a serious e-mail slip-up could lead an employer to question one's competence or judgment.

Other e-mail mistakes published in the survey results include an employee who e-mailed his resume to his boss, rather than a prospective employer, and a company that sent confidential information about one client to another client.

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