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March 25, 2020

Harvard Bioscience launches technology to help find coronavirus cure

A brick office building Image | Courtesy of Google Maps Harvard Bioscience's Holliston headquarters on October Hill Road

Holliston biotechnology firm Harvard Bioscience, Inc. has developed a new technology to provide researchers with real-time access to aerosol amounts deposited inside subjects' lungs, the company said in a press release.

The manufacturer said the technology, dubbed the Buxco AIA (for Accumulated Inhaled Aerosol), will bolster efforts to find a cure to COVID-19. Specifically, the technology will allow researchers to track the correlation between dose administration and lung function.

Research groups and pharmaceutical companies in China and around the world are already expressing an interest in the technology, according to the company. Buxco AIA is intended for companies involved in pre-clinical inhalation and exposure studies.


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