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August 31, 2009

2009 40 Under Forty: Jay Garee

Jay Garee

Age: 37

Title: Executive Director

Company: Boy Scouts of America

Company location: Worcester

Residence: Holden

College: Pennsylvania State University

Career highlights: I have participated in the scouting program for more than 25 years and have served the Boy Scouts of America professionally for 16 years. I have served on three councils, served on numerous camp staffs, supported thousands of volunteers in the effective delivery of the scouting program, and been involved in recruitment efforts which resulted in nearly 250,000 youths participating in scouting. I am privileged to serve as the executive director of the scouting program in Worcester.

Community involvement: I am currently a member of Rotary International and serve as the current club president of the Worcester Rotary Club. My family and I are also members of St. Francis Episcopal Church in Holden. The rewards I receive in doing work in the service of others are immeasurable.

Biggest professional success: Our goal is to deliver the Best Scouting Program in New England. In the past two years our camp attendance has grown at Treasure Valley by more than 75 percent and the total number of volunteers and members have increased. We have met many benchmarks to achieve that success but have much more work to do.

Dream job: I am doing it.

Businessperson he admires most and why: There are two — Ted Coghlin and Eric Schultz. Both leaders define character, integrity, and leadership. Both are my role models. They are incredible individuals and great leaders in our business community. They truly define what it means to be a scout in both their personal and professional lives.

If you weren’t doing the job you’re doing now, what would you do? It would be hard to imagine but hopefully something involving outdoor education.

Favorite movie: Apollo 13

If you were stuck on a desert island what book would you want to have with you? If caught in this situation I could only hope to have a copy of the SAS Survival Guide Handbook.

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