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  • Accelerated transition for health care

    January 20, 2014

    Any business that wants to last for the long run — and really, how many don't? — must maintain an iron grip on costs.

    January 20, 2014
  • Worcester's tax-rate gift for business: a positive step

    January 6, 2014

    The business community received a couple of well-timed gifts from the Worcester City Council in time for Christmas: the first, a 10-year tax increment financing a

    January 6, 2014
  • Editoral: O'Brien Will Be A Tough Act To Follow

    December 9, 2013

    The professionals who manage municipal governments have a primary responsibility to oversee the day-to-day operations of public services, hold down costs, get the most you can out of your budget and stay close to your board of selectmen or city

    December 9, 2013
  • Milford Vote Shows Mass. Must Rethink Casinos

    November 25, 2013

    Last week's resounding rejection of the resort-style casino proposal for Milford has deep-sixed all chances that Central Massachusetts will host a major gambling resort anytime soon.

    November 25, 2013
  • For Mass. Businesses, Tax Fairness Worth The Fight

    November 11, 2013

    Pop quiz: Which New England state is second to New Hampshire in “tax friendliness” to business?

    November 11, 2013
  • Editorial

    Background Checks Critical For Transition To Casinos

    October 28, 2013

    Casino gambling in Massachusetts has drawn strident arguments from both sides of the issue.

    October 28, 2013
  • Editorial

    JetBlue's Arrival Offers Rebirth For Worcester Airport

    October 28, 2013

    After a drought of nearly 20 months, commercial passenger air traffic will return to Central Massachusetts next week when JetBlue begins daily flights to Florida.

    October 28, 2013
  • Central Mass. Should Embrace New Worcester Baseball Team

    October 14, 2013

    Baseball is a cornerstone of American culture. All summer long, games are played most every day, and interest piques in the chill of October as fans watch new heroes emerge in the battles to reach and win the World Series.

    October 14, 2013
  • Editorial: Putting Our Money On Manufacturing

    September 30, 2013

    The August employment report for Massachusetts was finally headed in the right direction after some significant slippage in 2013. Employers added 7,500 jobs in August as the jobless rate remained flat at 7.2 percent for the second straight month

    September 30, 2013
  • Mass. Building On Clean-Energy Success

    Mark Sylvia And Carole Cornelison Special To The Worcester Business Journal September 30, 2013

    Massachusetts is a national clean energy leader, and not by accident.

    Mark Sylvia And Carole Cornelison Special To The Worcester Business Journal September 30, 2013
  • Editorial: Hydropower A Worthy Part Of Our Energy Mix

    September 16, 2013

    Since coming to office in 2007 and 2009, respectively, both Gov.

    September 16, 2013
  • Editorial: Flaw In Slots-Approval Process

    September 16, 2013

    “Unreasonable haste is the direct road to error.” — Moliere

    September 16, 2013
  • Tech Tax: What Were They Thinking?

    September 2, 2013

    The extension of the state's 6.25-percent sales tax to computer services has been roundly criticized and exposed the state to a dose of deserved ridicule over the attitude of its political leaders toward business, especially a sector of the

    September 2, 2013
  • Chamber Music: Murray Striking Right Early Notes

    September 2, 2013

    After Tim Murray stunned the Massachusetts political establishment by giving up the lieutenant governorship to lead the Worcester Regional Chamber of Commerce, observers expected more than just a change in title and a shorter commute for the

    September 2, 2013
  • Election Cycle Opens Door For Business To Raise Its Voice

    August 19, 2013

    With Deval Patrick leaving office in less than 17 months as he winds up his second and final term as governor, there may be an opening for Bay State businesses to make their concerns heard by Patrick's would-be successors.

    August 19, 2013
  • Be In The Know Before You Vote On Slots Parlors

    August 5, 2013

    All things being equal, Central Massachusetts has a 40-percent chance of becoming home to the state's only slots parlor that was authorized in the 2011 gaming expansion law.

    August 5, 2013