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September 30, 2013

Mass. Building On Clean-Energy Success

Massachusetts is a national clean energy leader, and not by accident. The Patrick-Murray administration has made energy efficiency and renewable energy top priorities by investing in programs that help municipalities, businesses and residents reduce energy consumption, save money and protect the environment.

For example, the commonwealth recently announced a bold, new initiative — The Accelerated Energy Program (AEP) — that will reduce state energy bills by an estimated $43 million. AEP is already under way throughout the state. When it's complete, we will have retrofitted facilities on 700 state sites in 700 days.

Even though we excel at energy efficiency, why do we need AEP? And why have we set such ambitious goals? Massachusetts sits at the end of the energy pipeline and imports all its fossil fuel-based energy sources. Of the billions of dollars we spend annually to buy the energy that runs power plants, buildings and vehicles, much of it flows to other states and such regions as South America, Canada and the Middle East. That's a lost economic opportunity that Massachusetts stands poised to reclaim through investments in home-grown renewable energy and energy-efficiency projects such as AEP.

The program also reflects our commitment to the environment, through the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. The 25-percent energy and emissions reductions we have targeted across all AEP sites will eliminate an estimated 135,000 metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions each year, the equivalent of taking more than 28,000 passenger vehicles off the road or using some 313,000 fewer barrels of oil annually.

The benefits are not limited to reducing costs and protecting our environment. AEP will create as many as 4,000 new jobs in the fast-growing clean energy sector, reflecting the administration's commitment to expand employment and economic development.

The 700 sites slated for upgrades include state-run skating rinks, police barracks, courthouses, college campuses and even the State House, comprising more than 4,000 buildings and 58 million square feet of property. The work will range from simple fixes to major overhauls such as installation of updated heating and cooling systems, better insulation, and clean renewable-energy systems.

For example, energy and water upgrades to the Worcester District Court will include interior and exterior lighting replacements, and upgrades to the heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning systems and the energy management system controls. The upgrades will lead to annual savings of $200,000 and reduce electricity consumption by some 800,000 kWh per year, or 15 percent of total electric consumption. That reduction is equivalent to the annual electric consumption of 105 Massachusetts homes, while the overall project will reduce annual emissions of greenhouse gases by an estimated 900 metric tons, equivalent to removing more than 195 passenger cars from the road each year.

The initiative is driven by the administration's Leading by Example (LBE) Program, which has aggressive targets for state facilities regarding greenhouse gas emission reductions, energy efficiency, renewable energy and water conservation. Both LBE and AEP are supporting the statewide emissions reduction goals in the 2010 Massachusetts Clean Energy and Climate Plan for 2020.

Energy efficiency is also a proven investment for small and large businesses, industry, hospitals, schools, and other organizations. It not only cuts costs, but also reduces energy pricing risks, engages employees, and demonstrates responsible business practices.

The state's investments have helped earn it the top national ranking for energy efficiency by the American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy the last two years. We're committed to continuing to earn that designation, and build on successes through programs like AEP that contribute to a cleaner energy future.

Mark Sylvia is commissioner of the Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources. Carole Cornelison is commissioner of the Massachusetts Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance.

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