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May 9, 2023

Town of Northbridge purchases 97 acres of conservation land

A satellite image of farmland and forest Photo | Google Maps Castle Hill Farm in Northbridge

The Town of Northbridge purchased the 96.7-acre Castle Hill Farm property in that town on Friday for $1.45 million, according to the Worcester District Registry of Deeds.

The property will be used as conservation land, according to a March 9 document from the Northbridge Conservation Commission. The site abuts the Fletcher Street Conservation Land, a 100-acre lot owned by the Town of Uxbridge and the Whitinsville Golf Club, according to the Town of Northbridge Open Space and Recreation plan.

Funds from the Community Preservation Act, passed by Northbridge in 2017, were used for the purchase.

The conservation restriction will be held by the Metacomet Land Trust, a nonprofit organization that manages conservation land throughout the Blackstone River Valley. The organization oversees more than 1,000 acres of land, according to its website.

The sellers were Alexandra and Alexander Vander Baan, who will retain a portion of the property.

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Sean M
May 10, 2023

Nice to see large parcels of land like this being saved from development!

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