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June 11, 2007

Small Biz: Your business as a reality show Would anyone tune in?


These days every other commercial on TV is for a new reality show like "Survivor," "American Idol," "Dancing with the Stars" or a dozen others. All of these TV reality shows started us thinking. People seem to gravitate to the "real" approach. Is our business like a reality show or how is a reality show like our business? How do we keep it real? How do we gain insight into our own business reality? How do we maintain its popularity and keep the viewers coming back for more?
Think about it ... if your business were a reality show, what would it be like, what roll would you play, what would be the content, who would create the script and would there be enough material to keep the show on the air? One could contemplate for hours. And this is what we propose you do, not for hours of course, but take a few minutes to ponder on the questions and decide if you could be voted off the air - or perhaps win the big prize.

The stage set:

Do you have all of the props your cast needs to successfully complete the scene or will there be multiple retakes that waste precious time, is the space large enough to ensure fluent motion, proper sound and lighting that provides a harmonious atmosphere that fits your business image look and feel?

Story line:

Does your theme or message lack substance and a concrete shape? Are you making sure that this story line has a beginning, a middle and an end, both short and long term? Will the story and content be interesting enough to keep the audience coming back for more?

Cast and crew:

Are they playing the right part, interacting well with the other characters? Is the script well-written? Are all the actors practicing their lines and actions to present them seamlessly? Are you ready on your mark and do you deliver your lines with flawless timing?

Entertainment factor:

Do you and your team enjoy what you do? How's the morale and could it be improved upon? How might that be done and who could help provide you with ideas and increase your entertainment factor?


Do you have enough of the right sponsors or customers? Do you recognize them in appropriate ways and give them the "air time" they deserve. Are you consciously looking for more sponsors?


You're behind the scenes and orchestrating the success or failure of your business reality show. Do you write a new show/script each week? Are you reading the reviews on each episode and coming up with new material for future shows?


Your fans are your customers. Are they getting the most from their investment repeating business with you? Are you asking for their business each and every new episode? Are you asking for their vote on what they want to see more of?
 Reality shows are insightful, thought provoking and, of course, entertaining! They also seem to have a mass appeal. By examining your own business as though you had to please an audience, sponsors and network management every week, you might see your entire approach to management under a different spotlight. Vote on your own business and decide if you will still be there at the end of the show, competing for the ultimate prize. Your business is your own reality show and you are the producer and director. It is up to you to make it an overwhelming success with high ratings.
This article was written by
Fern D. Nissim, certified marketing director, and founder of Round Pond Group LLC ( and Susan Adams, business consultant. RPG is a management consulting firm
in Central Massachusetts that offers a full circle of solutions to businesses and nonprofit organizations.


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