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January 4, 2016 Letter to the Editor

Renewable energy needs to be emphasized

Dear Editor,

I was glad to read in your Dec. 10th article, “Baker emphasizes energy, transportation at conference,” that Gov. Baker is eager to work with the legislature in 2016 to pass legislation that will, as your article put it, “involve more wind … hydropower and solar energy.”

I hope that the legislation will go beyond involving those forms of energy and actually emphasize them.

Doing so will help us not simply adapt to climate change but also mitigate it.

I also hope that the governor can do whatever is in his power to help establish a national revenue-neutral carbon fee and dividend program, which has been advocated by economists and policymakers across the political spectrum as an effective way to internalize the costs of carbon and help ensure a decent future for our children and our children's children.

Dr. Christopher Ives


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