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April 14, 2020

Mass. forms Manufacturing Emergency Response Team, $11M fund

Photo | SHNS Gov. Charlie Baker and Lt. Gov. Karyn Polito

Gov. Charlie Baker announced on Monday the creation of a Manufacturing Emergency Response Team, which will support state manufacturers pivoting toward producing personal protective equipment and other emergency medical devices.

M-ERT will launch alongside $10.6 million in new funding for manufacturers switching to PPE production, according to a press release. Manufacturers may apply for grants online. A review committee will process applications and recommend grant awards based on several criteria, including production timeline.

M-ERT includes representatives from Massachusetts Life Sciences Center, Advanced Functional Fabrics of America, MIT, MIT Lincoln Labs, the University of Massachusetts Lowell, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, the Massachusetts Manufacturing Extension Partnership, and Associated Industries of Massachusetts, the Baker Administration said in a Monday press release.

Aside from providing grants, M-ERT will support manufacturers logistically through regulatory compliance, workforce retraining and design sharing for critical items.

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