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September 22, 2010

James Ernstmeyer Vice President of Engineering, Rypos Inc.


An engineer and lawyer at work, and a photographer and mountain biker in his spare time, James Ernstmeyer is the newest employee at Holliston-based diesel exhaust filter company Rypos Inc. In this Q&A, he talks about the wide variety of applications that the company’s products can be used in, the environmental benefits of what he does and fueling himself with water, not coffee.


Vital Stats:
Age: 47
Residence: Melrose

Education: Bachelor’s, master’s and professional science degrees, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; law degree, Boston University.
Previous job: Summer associate at Fish & Richardson PC in Boston
Start date at new job: August 25


Q. How are you settling in at your new office?
A. Very well! I am surrounded by exceptionally talented and motivated co-workers who have welcomed me warmly. There is no better way to get started on a new job than diving in and helping to make a better product.


Q. What challenges do you see in your new position?
A. My greatest challenge is figuring out the best way for the engineering staff to turn our innovative diesel filter technology into products that satisfy our customers’ needs. Rypos filter systems are used on everything from small, trailer-mounted refrigeration units to huge, megawatt generators used to power hospitals and data storage centers. We need a flexible organization to accommodate such a range of customer needs.


Q. How close is this to what you imagined in high school you'd end up doing?
A. I did not expect to be designing diesel exhaust filters, but I knew that I wanted to use science and engineering to improve the world we share. At Rypos I get to apply cutting edge, microprocessor-controlled filtration technology to remove diesel pollution from the environment. I feel great about that!

Q. What could local and state governments do to make things better for your business?
A. The commonwealth has an important role in promoting investment in the areas of the economy that will provide the kinds of jobs that our society wants. The Massachusetts Technology Collaborative is a great example of smart public/private partnering that has fostered the growth of our innovation-based economy.


Q. What's the best way to keep your energy and motivation up when you're having a long day?
A. I try to avoid caffeine and drink plenty of water instead. When I get tired of thinking about one challenge, it refreshes me to think about a different one. Since I have both technical and legal responsibilities, there is always something exciting to think about.


Q. Do you have any hobbies outside of work?
A. I enjoy riding my mountain bike in the woods near my home. I also take and print black and white photographs, which I have displayed in galleries and businesses in the Boston area.


Q. What's on your to-do list for the next couple of days?
A. I look forward to working with the company officers and the board of directors to forge a product development strategy that will make Rypos stronger.

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