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June 22, 2007

Fittest CEOs


Are You Fit to be CEO?

In our quest to find the area’s fittest CEOs and company leaders, we will raise the issue of being both fiscally fit and physically fit. After all, if you feel better, you perform better. With the rising cost of healthcare, it’s important to set a good example for your employees and highlight how corporate wellness can impact the bottom line. That’s the question and challenge being issued to central Massachusetts’ top executives by the Worcester Business Journal and Worcester Fitness.

By partnering with the experts at Worcester Fitness, we will be offering complimentary Executive Fitness Assessments through October. The test can be scheduled at your convenience and takes less than 30 minutes to accurately and authoritatively assess your body fat, flexibility, muscular strength, muscular endurance and cardiovascular endurance.


• Help raise awareness for personal fitness and corporate wellness
• Reward your fitness and wellness efforts through friendly competition with your peers
• Show your commitment to fitness and wellness
• Lead by example to your employees
• Recognize your organization's efforts to create a healthy workforce

Who’s Eligible?

• The competition will be limited to executives in the following positions: C-level, President, owner, partner, executive director, mayor/city manager/city council, retired executive, or equivalent key organization leaders.
• Your score will compete against your peers in these categories: Male over 50 years old, Female over 50 years, Male under 50, Female under 50.

What is the Process?

Submit your contact information and answers to fitness and wellness related questions. These questions will be used in choosing executives and organizations to profile in Worcester Business Journal, WBJ Daily and
• Once registered, you will be mailed an information packet with additional details.
• You will be personally contacted by a representative of Worcester Fitness to arrange a convenient time and location for the complemintary fitness assessment:

Fitness Assessment

• Cardiovascular: 3-minute Step Test with 1-minute recovery.
• Muscular Endurance: Bench Press Test (35lbs female, 77lbs male)
• Muscular Strength: Grip Test
• Flexibility: Sit and Reach Test
• Body Composition: 3-point Skin Caliper Test
• Assessment results will be scored by category.
• As many as 25 of the fittest participants will be profiled in the November 26 issue of Worcester Business Journal, WBJ Daily and
• The Fittest Executive in each category will be announced and honored at the After Hours cocktail reception at Worcester Fitness on December 6, 2007.
• Additional awards may be given for best corporate wellness initiative, greatest personal fitness transformation, etc...

If you’re interested in competing and helping to raise awareness of personal fitness and corporate wellness please register!

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