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January 20, 2009

Does Your Company Have a Management Succession Plan?

Whether you are managing two or two thousand people, whether you're the CEO or a newer manager of a small group, here are some tips on having a succession plan that works. You won't need an M.B.A. or sophisticated computer software to have a succession program that delivers results.

  • Start your plan early. Don't wait until a key employee has moved on to better, greener, more lucrative, or just, different endeavors. Do something now.
  • Decide the skill, talent, or experience level your job requires. How else could you develop a plan to make it obvious to your company who your successor should be?
  • Examine your employee group to make some assumptions on those that have exhibited the potential to succeed at the next level.
  • Conduct a hard, individual assessment what skills and potential talents those you've identified as promotion candidates. Be equally honest in assessing their displayed weaknesses that might become a problem.
  • Based on your findings, design a plan to give your potential successors a roadmap to success and monitor their progress.

Courtesy of Kelly Services. Click here to read the complete article. To learn more about Kelly Services, visit

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