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March 5, 2009

City Manager Still Optimistic Despite Troubling Economy

Between ice storms, Asian Longhorned Beetles and a global economic crisis, Worcester's 2008 was certainly a trying 12 months. But despite the difficult times, City Manager Michael O'Brien had hopeful predictions for 2009 during his remarks this morning at the Worcester Regional Chamber breakfast.

O'Brien began his predictions with "the airport will transfer," a reference to talk that the state agency MassPort will acquire the long under-utilized Worcester Regional Airport from the city as part of the governor's ambitious transportation overhaul.

He also predicted that the long-stalled $563 million CitySquare project will get off the ground and that Unum Group will move its operations - and 700 employees - to new space within the city's limits. Unum is in discussion with CitySquare developer Berkeley Investments to locate there.

While O'Brien emphasized the positive, he also listed many of the challenges facing New England's largest city. Several months ago, the city said it was facing a $30 million deficit. Today, through careful cuts and hiring freezes, that deficit has been cut to $17 million, O'Brien said. The city also continues to struggle under oppressive pension and health care costs.

One fiscal bright spot for the city last year was an agreement negotiated between the city and the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, which has major operations downtown. The college agreed to a payment in lieu of taxes plan. O'Brien said there would be "more announcements to come" on the PILOT issue, but didn't offer any detials.

O'Brien addressed the crowd of approximately 300 business people after several local firms and leaders were honored, including:

A member of the local animal kingdom was also honored. Kenda, the polar bear at the Ecotarium in Worcester, was celebrated for reaching its 25th birthday.


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