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August 8, 2012

AG Seeks Nearly $10M In Penalties From NStar

Attorney General Martha Coakley’s office said she plans to seek a $9.7-million fine against utility company NStar for its “inadequate” response during Tropical Storm Irene last yearas well as the surprise October 2011 snowstorm.

Coakley is seeking a similar $16-million fine against National Grid.

Coakley said NStar failed to identify the projected level of severity of the storms, failed to communicate effectively with customers and municipal officials during the storms and failed to respond to public safety calls about downed wires.

The two storms knocked out power for a combined 733,000 customers, according to Coakley.

If granted by the state Department of Public Utilities, the fine cannot be passed on to NStar customers, Coakley said. Gov. Deval Patrick recently signed a storm response bill into law that will mean future fines against utility companies will be paid out as credits to customers. This fine would not apply because Coakley’s investigation began prior to the bill’s passage.

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