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December 23, 2015

2016 business travel predicted to slow

Rick Saia JetBlue officials disembark a plane at Worcester Regional Airport in 2013. Business travel could slow in 2016.

The availability of cheaper alternatives to in-person meetings may be affecting the business travel industry.

A report released Tuesday by the Travel Leaders Group indicates that anticipated growth in the business travel industry is down 9 percent, while the percentage of those who think bookings will slow down has increased over last year.

The survey queried 1,316 travel agents with a business travel component. While 40.2 percent of the agencies anticipated steady bookings, 6.6 percent predicted a decline -- up from 4.9 percent -- and 36.6 percent anticipated increased bookings -- down from 45.5 percent.

For business clients, the primary concern around travel was delayed flights.

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