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August 31, 2009

2009 40 Under Forty: Shannon Coro

Shannon Coro

Age: 35

Title: Administrator

Company: St. Mary Health Care Center

Company location: Worcester

Residence: Worcester

College: University of Maine Orono and Worcester State College

Career highlights: I am an administrator at St. Mary Health Care Center, a Catholic nonprofit organization sponsored by Covenant Health Systems that offers long-term care and short-term rehabilitation. I started in 2004 as a part-time social worker and later became the director of social services. In 2005, I enrolled in the master’s in health care administration program at Worcester State College, and after graduating, I became the administrator.

Community involvement: I’m currently on the board of directors for the Latin American Health Alliance, which addresses health care related disparities in the Latino community.

I have also served on the Lt. James F. “Jay” Lyons III Memorial Scholarship selection panel for the Greater Worcester Community Foundation.

Biggest professional success: I am currently the administrator at St. Mary Health Care Center and this I believe is my biggest success professionally. My talents, education and professional and personal experiences have allowed me to be in a position to truly affect change, to help improve the quality of lives of our residents and to foster education and professional development of the staff at St. Mary’s.

Dream job: I would probably be performing on Broadway with Hugh Jackman.

Businessperson she admires most and why: Robert Shafner has the ability to balance professionalism, difficult decision-making, the value of every person regardless of their title, while maintaining a sense of humor and respecting all opinions.

If you weren’t doing the job you’re doing now, what would you do? Running a performing arts center.

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