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October 24, 2011

101: Screening Resumes

Human resource directors have the potential to link a company and a great hire. But the key to matching a perfect candidate with a perfect position is knowing what to look for in a resume. Here are two ways to weed out the worthy after a job ad gets posted:

Just the facts, Jack. The resume should quickly and easily communicate what the person has done and can do. The general skills should be apparent within the first 10 lines. “Bad examples include if they try to get too cute, like saying they were a ‘refuse dispensing engineer' instead of they dumped trash,” says an article at If the candidate’s communication ability is in question, you may want to move on.

How about a date? Candidates will sometimes only list the year they were employed at a previous workplace to conceal gaps or exaggerate their experience. “The person who claims employment at ‘Ajax Company, 2005-2006’ is either a careless resume writer or is hoping the reader will assume this means two years experience when, in fact, it might have been as brief as two or three months,” says an article at 

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