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March 30, 2009

101 E-Commerce | Tips for getting online revenues cranking

Your business may be successful and holding steady, but now what? For those looking to take the next step, e-commerce is the logical answer.

The world of cyberspace offers a great expanse of opportunities for added sales, but those online waters can be difficult to tread. These tips, found at, will help you navigate the tricky path to successful e-commerce.

The rewards are in the research. “Just as with their brick-and-mortar stores, online entrepreneurs must understand the competition if they hope to survive,” advises the staff.

If there are many businesses that offer the same services, try to differentiate. “Offer a more comprehensive set of products or services,” the staff says, “or consider tailoring the product to a niche market.”

New business hours. “The doors of an online business never close,” says “Internet businesses need to operate full time, so entrepreneurs must be realistic about how much help they will need.”

To address this issue, the web site recommends hiring a web manager (if your business and budget allow for it); hiring temporary employees to set up the online business; or investing in an “e-commerce in a box,” a product with a monthly fee (around $25 per month) that provides an online store and customizable product pages.

Keep it simple. A good website is one that is simple to use, says You want to grab the consumer’s attention, but the interior pages should be easy to navigate. And always use conversation language that the customer will understand.

An image of success. Finally, don’t be stingy when it comes to product photos.

“Online shoppers expect to see what a product looks like, especially since they can’t pick it up and examine it,” says the staff. “Merchants should use photos showing items from a variety of angles.”

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