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October 10, 2011

101: Boosting Productivity

It’s 4:45 p.m., and your to-do list is as long as it was this morning. Sound familiar? Where does the time go? Here are three ways to keep your time from being sucked away and keep your workday tasks on track:

Cut out distractions. On his blog at, the author lists a whole slew of them: Facebook; uninvited co-workers coming into your cube; or meetings without action agendas or time limits. Communicating a message correctly the first time can also help conserve time, Cornell says. Unclear emails can be prevented. “Try pre-answering questions that might come up, such as options and alternatives (e.g., days and times you're available for a meeting),” he advises.

Take ten. It sounds counterproductive, but taking a breather can make room for more creative space in your head, says Alyssa Gregory at the blog. “When you get back to work, you may be surprised how much you accomplish after a mindless break in your day,” she said. Changing your scenery is the goal here. A quick walk outside is a good option, or try listening to music in your car to unwind.

The phone is your friend. Sometimes it’s quicker than email and can streamline communication, but in today’s high-tech world we almost forget it exists. “I’ve had countless experiences where a 10-second phone call saved me at least a half hour of emailing back and forth due to simple misunderstandings,” says Jonathan Christopher at

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