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Updated: October 11, 2021 know how

What an anniversary means to us

Milestones are causes for celebration. They denote the passage of time and allow us to take stock of the achievements filling that space. If we have managed lives and resources effectively, we will reach those milestones with the benefit of having shared joy and good works for ourselves and the people who surround us. 

Martin F. Connors, Jr., is president & CEO of Rollstone Bank & Trust of Fitchburg.

On the occasion of Rollstone’s 175th Anniversary, we take the opportunity to look both backward and forward, to reflect on all we have done and plan a course for what we will contribute in our future.

When we were founded in 1846, we were a pioneer community bank – the third mutual savings bank in Massachusetts and the first in Fitchburg. We served the mostly rural population of Central Massachusetts: farmers and local businesses, standing on the brink of industrialization.

Today, we still have that pioneering spirit, combining new banking ideas with good old-fashioned personal service. By helping people manage their daily finances and achieve their larger life goals like buying a home, sending a child to college, or preparing for a rewarding retirement, we have built one of the most trusted banks in the region.

More recently, this past year was filled with numerous challenges caused by COVID-19. Along with the difficulties and heartbreak we shouldered together, we can reflect on stories of so many people who have inspired us: the hospital and frontline workers who never left the job; the teachers and school children who adapted to new schedules and ways of learning; and the families who chose to forego annual traditions in favor of keeping everyone safe and healthy.

During this trying year, we stepped up to provide new ways to protect our customers and employees. For customers and businesses under financial hardship related to the pandemic, RBT was able to assist by providing loan modifications, federal Payroll Protection Program loans, interest-rate reductions, and fee waivers.

We have always played a leading role in our community during uncertain times, donating to worthy causes. In the last 18 months, we have contributed KN-95 masks to healthcare workers, computers for distance learning, financial aid education programs for aspiring college students and their parents and more. In each case, we saw an opportunity to have a focused, positive impact on the lives of the people who live next door or who come into one of our branches.

RBT’s outreach is part of our DNA. We are called to help one another in bad times and in good. It’s what makes us who we are. Fueled by our employees’ passion to help their neighbors, we rededicate ourselves every day to this covenant of community.

Now we chart a course for the next 175 years. As in any era, challenges and opportunities lie ahead. Regardless of the unknown challenges we may encounter, we know there will also be opportunities to help and reasons to celebrate. It’s what being part of a community is all about.

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