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November 3, 2022

WHA to redevelop Lakeside Apartments into 250+ low-income and affordable units

Two three-story brick residential buildings with a small lawn in front Photo | courtesy of Worcester Housing Authority Worcester's Lakeside Apartments

The Worcester Housing Authority plans to demolish and replace the Lakeside Apartments federally funded public housing complex with up-to-date structures offering more units for current residents and people on the WHA waitlist, as well as adding new mixed-income units.

The organization is seeking a partner with whom to finance and construct 202 units for current Lakeside residents, 46 units for waitlisted housing applicants, and additional unspecified number of units affordable to residents at 60% and 80% area median income, as well as apartments or first-time homeowner units that may include market-rate units, which will not exceed 5% of total units developed according to a request for proposals issued by the WHA on Wednesday.

Lakeside Apartments was built in 1949 as affordable housing for veterans and consists of 202 apartments in 34 buildings.

The RFP was released as the WHA and Trinity Financial of Boston are working on a separate project to redevelop the Curtis Apartments in Worcester, a four-phase project aiming to replace aging buildings and adding 155 mixed-income units.

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