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January 19, 2009

WBJ Talk Back | Online reader comments from January 5 through January 15, 2009

“I am sorry to be a nitpicker but I am a follower of all things related to superconductors as well as an investor in AMSC.

I read your article about the US Navy's new superconducting electric motor from AMSC. I read, in your article, that these High Temperature superconductors carry as much as 150 times the electricity as copper wires. I have also read, elsewhere, that they carry 15 times as much electricity, at other times and places I read they carried 10 times as much electricity and, recently I read that these "2nd generation HTSC" wires, used by AMSC, provide about 4 times as much electrical current carrying capacity.

Either everyone is talking about different things or someone is giving out bad and misleading information.

The entire "raison d'etre" for more expensive superconducting wire and motors is precisely that they provide so much more power per unit of mass and and that they are able to carry much heavier loads than plain metal wires without the possibility of catastrophic shutdowns.

I just wish that you and everyone else would come out with the same factors instead of the wildly divergent numbers I have been reading about:(10X, 15X,100X, 150X, the electricity) or explain just why they are so wildly different.

This confusion among reporters and science writers only makes people confused and afraid to trust such new technologies, even though they have been in existence for decades.”

Martin Braun, on discrepancies in technical information related to an announcement from Devens-based American Superconductor. Click here for the WBJ story.

“Long time reader... I am more than willing to give the new owners the latitude to figure out their new property purchase ”

Paulie on the new ownership at Worcester Magazine, an alternative weekly in the city. Check out our story on the new owners as well as a letter to the editor from a former employee and another reader comment submitted a couple of weeks ago.

"To Whom It May Concern:

I am a healthcare professional, a Food Service Director and Licensed Dietitian, and resident of Webster. Having worked a total of 45 years in healthcare in the Greater Boston area, in chronic, LTC, and acute care facilities, I feel I may have a unique perspective. I am expressing the concerns of my entire family.

My husband, son, and I have lived here in Webster for about eighteen years. During that time, my husband, my son, and I have availed ourselves of healthcare services at HRH and the adjacent Fallon Clinic. My son has used the ER on a couple of occasions and was very satisfied with the care. I have had outpatient testing done there - it was completed in a professional manner with a minimal wait. I was also referred to the Outpatient Rehabilitation Department, where I received therapy that was instrumental in my complete recovery from trauma and return to full employment. My husband sees several Fallon physicians that practice on your campus and has been hospitalized a number of times at HRH for pneumonia. At the same time, my eye doctor, who practices in Southbridge has related stories of the competent care received at Harrington.

There is nothing like the convenience of a community hospital. the proximity makes it much easier for family members to visit and assist with the patient's care. The fact that it employs many local people and supports many local businesses needs to be paramount as you and your Boards make decisions. As you move forward, I urge you to keep these factors foremost in your mind."

Margaret Barry on news that Harrington Memorial Hospital in Southbridge is partnering with the smaller Hubbard Hospital in nearby Webster. Read the WBJ's story on the deal here.

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