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January 19, 2009

Briefing: Corruption Probe

Gov. Deval Patrick has put forward new rules to help limit corruption in state government, particularly when it comes to the big-money business of legislative lobbying.

What’s the problem?

Political corruption continues in the Bay State. State Rep. Diane Wilkerson has been charged by federal officials for allegedly taking bribes. Meanwhile Speaker of the House Salvatore F. DiMasi’s accountant and campaign treasurer have been indicted on campaign finance and lobbying violations.

What are the current penalties?

Most corruption-related charges in the Bay State result in fines of no more than $5,000 and several years in jail. Gov. Deval Patrick has said those penalties don’t fit the crime. Conflict-of-interest violations have similarly low fines and jail time and violating registration-related lobbying rules is only a misdemeanor punishable by between $100 and $5,000, but no jail time.

Who’s policing lobbyists?

Currently, the state Ethics Commission is charged with keeping an eye on these issues. But the commission can only request a violator to appear. They cannot mandate.

What’s the solution?

Gov. Deval Patrick created a Taskforce on Public Integrity. Their recommendations, if adopted, are expected to help crack down on corruption.

What are the new penalities proposed by Patrick?

The taskforce recommended that the punishment for bribery be changed to a $100,000 fine and up to 10 years in jail, while conflict of interest and violating registration-related lobbying penalties will be increased to $10,000 and five years in jail. The definition of lobbying would be expanded and the Ethics Commission would be strengthened.

What are the pros of Patrick’s reforms?

They could make it harder to carry out corruption and would punish wrong doers in more serious ways, which could act as a deterrent.

 Check out the report here.

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