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May 11, 2009

WBJ Talk Back, May 11, 2009

“Berkshire always had a strong profile in the community and were well liked and respected .... This merger should benefit Worcester.”

Don Saint Pierre on news that Worcester-based Commonwealth National Bank is being acquired by Pittsfield-based Berkshire Bank.

“Good article. It points out the way that everything seems to work these days with the federal government. [The bottom line is] government gets bigger; poor business practices of a few get rewarded; and the consumer pays for it all.”

Paul McManus reacting to a story in the April 27 WBJ headlined “To Lend or Not To Lend” about the pressures on community banks.

“Why would I fly from Worcester when it was almost twice as much? I have had this conversation with dozens of other friends who inquired about pricing. If the general public can figure this out why can’t the experts on Airports????”

Don Markowski on the sale of the Worcester Airport to the state-run MassPort.

“I had received numerous complaints from my drivers on the day shift about liveries scanning our frequencies and ‘stealing’ a taxi driver’s job, sometimes right in front of them. And yes, with the economy the way it, I also think this is going to be worse than last summer.”

Joseph Dyer, a former cab dispatcher, on a WBJ article headlined “Mean Streets,” which looked at the competition between cabs and liveries in the city of Worcester.

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