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September 3, 2007

Timothy Loew

Age: 38
Title: Director of Academic Planning & Operations
Company: Becker College
Company location: Worcester
Residence: Worcester

Career highlights:
After having essentially grown up on various university campuses it was almost certain that I’d eventually turn to higher education as a profession and after working in the banking and consulting areas for a number of years that is exactly what happened!

Community involvement:
Community involvement and active citizenship are two areas about which I feel very strongly. There are few things more rewarding than spending time being closely involved with the community in which you live and work. In my professional position I interact with a wide variety of grass-roots and institutional groups that range in mission from educational outreach to youth employment to neighborhood and economic development.

And I am personally involved, as a board member with Park Spirit, a nonprofit advocacy group for Worcester’s public parks, recreation and green spaces. I am also an active member in my own neighborhood group.

Biggest success:
Working so often as a member of a team, it’s very hard to single out a particular success though clearly I am proud of all of our accomplishments at Becker College so far and look forward to many more.

Dream job:
Since, for any number of reasons, playing centerfield in Fenway Park is not going to happen, I can’t dream of anything more interesting than the continued challenge of working in the nonprofit and higher education world.

Businessperson he most admires and why:
Richard Branson. Is there any businessperson who has done and continues to do so many interesting things so successfully?

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