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May 23, 2008

Seen At The 495/MetroWest Businses Expo

The 495/MetroWest Business Expo was held Thursday at the Framingham Sheraton on Route 9. The event, which ran from noon until 6 p.m., featured educational seminars, networking and of course, booths with lots of free stuff.

The expo was a joint effort of the following local chambers: Corridor Nine Area Chamber of Commerce, Marlborough Regional Chamber of Commerce, MetroWest Chamber of Commerce, Middlesex West Chamber of Commerce, Milford Area Chamber of Commerce and the United Chamber of Commerce.

Check out photos from the event below:

Tim Starkey, director of the Spa Tech Institute in Westborough, checks out the Worcester Business Journal booth.


Curtis A. Feldman, left, a partner at the Framingham-based accounting firm of Shepherd & Goldstein LLP, and John M. Strickland, right, director of corporate administrative services for Framingham-based Bose Corp., man the MetroWest Chamber of Commerce booth.


From left to right: Toby Gerome, Welcome Wagon MetroWest, Tim LaPain, Ameriprise in Natick, and Todd Twarog, Auto Advisor for NMTW Credit Union, which has branches in Framingham, Lowell and Danvers.


Molly Lindert aims for a hole in one at the Nationwide booth. Lindert works out of Nationwide's Newton office.


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