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July 15, 2009

Robert Stephens, Director Business Development, Cutler Associates


Robert Stephens comes to the Worcester-based design/build firm Cutler Associates after more than 20 years in field of marketing construction services. He is charged with business development for the company's health care division. He previously worked at Marshall Erdman Co., which specializes in medical office buildings. Here, he talks about his new gig and the challenges and opportunities of a tough economy.

Vital Stats
Family: Son
Education: Bachelor of Science
Previous job: Vice President of Business Development
Start date at new job: June 1, 2009

Q. How are you settling in at your new office?
I'm travelling between Cutler's offices in Worcester and Allentown, PA and out visiting customers, so there has not been a lot of time to "settle in." I'll let you know when that happens.

Q. What's the biggest surprise you've had in starting the job?
No surprises it has been just what I expected from a great company.

Q. What challenges do you see in your new position?
Developing new business in a down economy is always going to be a challenge - but that makes the rewards that much greater.

Q. How different is this job from your previous position?
Not much. I am building and strengthening the relationships I have developed over the years.

Q. How close is this to what you imagined in high school you'd end up doing?
What I am doing in my new role at Cutler Associates is about as far removed as could be from anything I could have imagined in high school.

Q. Where's the best place to get lunch near your new location?
The Sole Proprietor

Q. What do you hope to be doing 10 years from now?
The same thing I am doing now. It's too much fun to even contemplate doing anything else.

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