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January 15, 2014

Renewable energy contract promises North Central Mass. savings

Manufacturers based in North Central Massachusetts will now have new access to renewable electricity, thanks to a new contract between the North Central Massachusetts Development Corp. (NCMDC) and Nugen Capital Management LLC to generate net metering credits from a new solar facility to be built in Lunenburg.

Electricity generated at a solar array, which will be complete this summer, will produce the credits and be made available to area manufacturers in the Unitil Corp. service area, according to a statement from NCMDC. Participants will purchase the credits for less than face value, providing instant savings on electric bills, NCMDC said. All small manufacturers will be eligible to participate on a first-come, first-served basis.

“Manufacturers will save about 3 cents per kilowatt hour (kWh), which doesn’t sound like a lot, but when you understand that even a small manufacturer may use 200,000 kWh per year, you realize how important it can be,” said David McKeehan, president of NCMDC.

With a capacity of 1 megawatt, the new solar array will be located at 265 Pleasant St. in Lunenburg.

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