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May 29, 2012

Littleton's Crucial Corridor


The cornerstone of Littleton's impending economic upswing has been set.

Sam Park, an area developer, is heading a project at 495 Great Road that has the potential to dramatically improve the face of Littleton's business environment. Town Administrator Keith Bergman calls Park's project "the centerpiece for our economic development initiative."

The zoning amendments for Park's development were approved by town meeting two years ago, and Bergman is pleased to see the plan unfolding smoothly and according to plan: "That vision is really being carried out," he said. "We're all happy about it."

Littleton's Planning Board unanimously approved the special permit applications needed for Park to continue working on his mixed use development lots. According to Littleton's website, Park's permit covers seven lots comprising just over 90 acres.

Bergman sees Park's project as the start of a very positive trend. He feels confident that the project will spark even more developments in the vicinity: "There's a lot of interest in Sam's project," he said. "It's creating a lot of buzz for Littleton and we're very excited about it."

Bergman is already in the process of launching another planning effort in Littleton. Utilizing the same successful strategy followed for Park's project, Littleton has hired Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC) workers to help facilitate the process of another project at the intersection of Rt. 2 and Interstate 495. This $10,000 project aims to further spur economic development by "providing consensus scenarios for development of the Upper Foster Street/Taylor Street/Porter Road area and the Littleton MBTA commuter rail station," according to the MAPC.

Park's development would boost Littleton's lagging workforce which currently stands at 4,864. Signs of an upswing have already begun to show in with a boost in the construction of new housing units. In 2011, 16 new residential units were approved and built with a total construction cost of $3,098,280.

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