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September 15, 2021

Leicester voters approve $20M funding to purchase former Becker campus

Photo | Grant Welker Becker College

Leicester voters overwhelmingly approved two warrant articles to pay for the purchase of and cover operational costs of the bulk of the former Becker College campus at a special town meeting on Tuesday night.

They voted 564-52 to approve Article 3, which authorized the purchase of the former college campus, contingent on a $19,900 debt exclusion. Voters cheered, with many standing, to celebrate the landslide victory.

The purchase would include, across several parcels, 19 buildings and 44.4 acres of land. The warrant included a purchase price of $17.8 million, as well as an additional $2.07 million for unforeseen repairs, consulting services, feasibility studies and other necessities, per the warrant. 

A second warrant item, Article 4, passed 506-38 and authorized $350,000 be moved from free cash to fund operational costs for the former campus.

Becker currently owns approximately two-thirds of Leicester’s town common, including a number of historic homes. The purchase would include dorm buildings, classroom space, and a turf field built two years ago.

Becker College permanently closed at the end of the spring semester. 

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