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December 13, 2013

Job-Training Grant To Aid Worcester Homeless

The South Middlesex Opportunity Council (SMOC), which has operations in Worcester, is one of seven organizations to receive money from the Patrick administration to help train and find jobs for some of the city’s homeless.

The Massachusetts Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development (EOLWD) announced the awarding of $1.7 million in grants to the organizations, including the opportunity council.. SMOC will receive $240,500, which will serve 72 homeless individuals, according to a statement from EOLWD.

The SMOC program offers two training tracks aimed at full-time employment placements:

(1) A social enterprise alternative staffing agency that will provide 36 individuals with training through jobs within SMOC and in contracted positions with local businesses and

(2) A Green Jobs Academy, which will provide 36 individuals with job readiness and skills training education, on-the-job training and job placements for in the weatherization industry.

“We are tremendously grateful for the opportunity this grant gives us to help formerly homeless individuals in the Worcester region to develop new workplace and adult education skills and to obtain and sustain stable and successful employment with good wages,” Jim Cuddy, SMOC’s executive director, said in a statement. The program, he added, will “work closely with employers and prospective employers to provide incentives for participating … through employer outreach and education, including opportunities for employers to take advantage of various workforce tax credits.”

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