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April 23, 2010

Framingham State To Install Solar Panels

Framingham State College, with funding support from the state, will install $520,192 worth of solar panels on the roofs of two college buildings this summer.

The 188 kilowatt project will generate enough electricity to power lighting in the college's athletic center. Federal stimulus funds are paying for about half the cost of the project, with the rest being split by the college and the state. The college expects the project to net about $20,000 in annual savings. The college made the announcement Thursday while Gov. Deval Patrick was on campus.

College President Timothy Flanagan also said that Princeton Review named FSC one of the country's top 286 "green colleges." FSC was one of five public institutions named in the list and one of a handful in the region. Other colleges in Central Massachusetts appearing on the list include Worcester State College, Worcester Polytechnic Institute and the College of the Holy Cross.

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