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June 9, 2010

Cutler To Renovate Two Clark Dorms

Cutler Associates of Worcester has been selected to renovate two residence halls at Clark University in Worcester. The project is one of four the company has at colleges this summer.

The interior and exterior renovations to Wright and Bullock Halls at Clark University will create a "contemporary identity" for the buildings and will install elevators in the residence halls. The project covers about 67,500 square feet and was designed by Cutler.

Cutler is also building a new, 7,200-square-foot admissions annex building for Clark, which will be attached to the school's current admissions building. That work was designed by Lamoureux Pagano Architects of Worcester.

Cutler's other collegiate projects include: renovating a residence hall at Mount Holyoke College in South Hadley; building a new research facility at the University of New Hampshire; and renovating a 350-bed dorm at Mount Ida College in Newton.

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