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September 13, 2022

Clark graduate student union votes to authorize strike

Photo | Timothy Doyle Clark University, Worcester

The Clark University Graduate Workers United union, supported by the International Brotherhood of Teamsters Local 170 of Worcester, voted overwhelmingly on Monday to authorize the union to call a strike in its negotiations with the administration at Clark University in Worcester. 

The result of the held at University Park on Monday was 97% of the union voting to authorize a strike.

This does not mean that the union would necessarily call a strike, but that they would have the option to do so if deemed necessary during the negotiations. 

CUGWU voted to officially unionize in March in order to negotiate for higher pay and health insurance coverage, amid a rising cost of living including rising rents in Central Massachusetts. 

On Aug. 15, the Teamsters Local 170, on behalf of CUGWU, filed a complaint with the National Labor Relations Board, stating the university had reneged on a promise to provide union employees with a full, 100% health insurance subsidy. The union also claimed the university had refused to discuss wages and other economic items such as paid leave and insurance.

The university, in late August, made an offer which was rejected by the union, characterizing it as not serious.

Angela Bazydlo, media relations manager at Clark University, provided the following statement on Tuesday. "The University continues to work in good faith to complete the collective bargaining process and finalize a contract, and we are well ahead of the usual timeline for negotiations of this kind, which generally exceeds a full year. We will not comment about the ongoing deliberations."

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