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September 5, 2012

Cash Advance Lender: One Fourth Of Americans Consider Themselves Poor

One fourth of Americans consider themselves to be “poor,” according to a survey released today by Chicago-based CashNetUSA, an online cash advance lender.

Meanwhile, 69 percent believe they are not poor and six percent are either still trying to decide or not willing to admit it.

The impression of economic status was particularly severe among those under 30 years of age: 32 percent considered themselves poor compared to just 14 percent of those ages 50 to 59.

But only 20 percent of Northeastern United States residents thought they were poor, the lowest of any region. The North Central region of the country had the highest number of people thinking they were poor, at 32 percent.

Nearly half of the 1,000 people randomly surveyed knew the exact amount in their checking or savings account and 58 percent had a “rough idea” of how much they spend on bills each month.

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