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Updated: November 14, 2022 seven things

7 Things I know about ... Planning an event

Everyone wants to host the best possible event, leaving guests in awe and being remembered for all the right reasons. If you are looking at planning an amazing event and overwhelmed because there are so many places to start (and there are, you are not alone), here are some tips to help get you started on the right path before booking any vendors. 

Ashling Rowen is the owner of Infinity Events in Sutton. Reach her at

7) The most important part of having a wonderful event is to have a clear vision and purpose. Whether it is a corporate event to demonstrate a new product or a wedding to show your love to the world, it’s important to know the purpose and the vision before any planning starts.

6) Once you decide on the vision of the event, think about the goal. Are you looking to raise money for a foundation, or are you celebrating a milestone event? That goal will keep you on track and focus your time on what is most important.

5) Theme what you envision your event to look like. You can have as many as you like and then create vision boards for each one. Doesn’t need to be anything fancy. Don't let this drag you down as we all know we can get sucked into Pinterest for hours (at least I can). Create a few different Pinterest boards to get an idea of what you tend to like and what you gravitate toward.

4) Create your budget to stick to it!! Remember this is a working document. These figures can be estimates based on industry standards, and event planners can assist with this.

3) Among the vendors, look at hiring an event planner. Their main purpose is to help you achieve your vision and goal while saving you money and alleviating stress for you.

2) Start looking at dates. Is time of year important to achieve your vision and goal? What is the best time of day/evening to have the right crowd attend your event?

1) After all that is complete, start contacting vendors or have your event professional take care of all that for you.

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