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August 16, 2019 / 40 Under Forty Class of 2019

40 Under Forty: Patrick D. Hare

Photo | Erika Sidor From the 20th anniversary of WBJ's 40 Under Forty are (from left) 2019 winner Patrick D. Hare, 2005 alumni Carla McCall, 2019 winner Daniel Stanhope, 2001 alumni Ned LaFortune, and 2019 winner Carolyn J. Perla at Wachusett Brewing Co. in Westminster.

Patrick D. Hare, 29

Staff associate & assistant for government & community affairs Worcester State University

Residence: Worcester

Birthplace: Leominster

College: Worcester State University

Hare’s WSU duties include overseeing campus-wide activities and acting as a liaison to the board of trustees; but his actions go far beyond that, and well beyond the WSU campus. Hare conceived of and manages a leadership program in Washington, D.C., that has so far taught around 100 WSU students to advocate on behalf of their fellow students and learn first-hand how government policy is made. The program runs over the course of a semester and includes talks with Congressional officials to discuss issues in higher education. A bit closer to home, Hare oversees the university’s State House Day, in which WSU and other public-college students advocate on Beacon Hill. Hare is a visible presence, both on campus when he stands in for President Barry Maloney at some events and elsewhere in the city, including on the Worcester Diversity & Inclusion Advisory Committee, which helped the city update its longtime hiring policies to be more inclusive. That type of advocacy is one Hare has been a part of since his days as a WSU student, when he was president of the school’s Pride Alliance and served on the Student Senate. He is president of the Planting the Seed Foundation, a nonprofit providing back-to-school supplies, toys for the holidays and summer camp opportunities. – Profile by Grant Welker

What four people would you like to travel with for a year? My late mother, to fulfill her dream of traveling. Michelle Obama, for inspiration. Anthony Bourdain, for great food. Franklin D. Roosevelt, to learn the politics of human betterment.

What is the highest compliment anyone could give you? You’re an amazing friend.

Click here to read about the other 40 Under Forty winners from 2019 and featured alumni in our 20th anniversary edition

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