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September 2, 2013

2013 40 Under Forty: Jackson Restrepo


TITLE: Senior Project Manager

COMPANY LOCATION: City of Worcester’s Executive Office of Economic Development

RESIDENCE: Worcester

FAVORITE MOVIE: “The Shawshank Redemption”

FAVORITE BOOK: “Rich Dad Poor Dad”

Career highlights: Earning a bachelor’s degree from Worcester State University, a master’s degree in business administration from Assumption College, and working a rewarding career with Worcester’s Executive Office of Economic Development as a business programs manager. Additionally, I was recently promoted to senior project manager to work on some of the most important development projects in the city.

Community involvement: I have been involved with Worcester Youth Soccer as a player and, starting next year, I plan to follow in the steps of my older brother and volunteer as a head coach. Additionally, my employment with the city has given me a unique opportunity to assist small-business owners and entrepreneurs start and grow their businesses.

Biggest success:  Developing and spearheading Worcester’s first Retail Business Enhancement Program. This project was the product of many months of intensive research, resourcing and hard work. The program will provide financial and technical assistance to small retailers, storefront businesses, and restaurants in the city that are isolated from resources or unaware of existing business development tools. Additionally, I served as a key contributor in the establishment of the Quinsigamond Village Business Association.

Biggest challenge: My biggest challenge is always ahead of me. I look forward to being part of some of the most challenging projects in the city. I welcome this challenge as yet another test in my professional career, but most importantly, to contribute to the city’s overall economic success and be a witness to its inevitable progress. 

Mentors: Mentors include supervisors and colleagues I have had the pleasure to work with throughout my career. However, my biggest mentors have always been my parents. I see myself as a reflection of their unique personalities and attributes. Since childhood, they have instilled in me great values that I will carry with me for the rest of my life. These values include honesty, responsibility, respect and a sense of belonging. 

Hidden talents: Some of my hidden talents include running: I have completed a number of races, including half-marathons, 20-mile runs, 200-mile relay runs, and Mount Washington. There’s also soccer and my passion for real estate investing. 

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Meet Our 2013 40 Under Forty Judges

2013 40 Under Forty: Bob Waitt

2013 40 Under Forty: Lia Valentine

2013 40 Under Forty: Steven Thebodo

2013 40 Under Forty: Jessica Strunkin

2013 40 Under Forty: Michael W. Steuer Jr.

2013 40 Under Forty: William R. Simpson

2013 40 Under Forty: Liz Sheehan Castro

2013 40 Under Forty: Kate Sharry

2013 40 Under Forty: Robert R. Rucci

2013 40 Under Forty: Ben Robinson

2013 40 Under Forty: J. Christian Rea

2013 40 Under Forty: Amanda Parker

2013 40 Under Forty: Tiffany A. Moore Simas

2013 40 Under Forty: Alexandra Montgomery

2013 40 Under Forty: Derek Mohamed

2013 40 Under Forty: Patrick J. McCarty

2013 40 Under Forty: Olga Kwasniewski

2013 40 Under Forty: Ryan M. Kittredge

2013 40 Under Forty: Heather G. Keenan

2013 40 Under Forty: Denise Kapulka

2013 40 Under Forty: Fred Kaelin

2013 Forty Under 40: Jennifer Hogan

2013 40 Under Forty: Corey F. Higgins

2013 Forty Under 40: Richard Hayward Jr.

2013 40 Under Forty: Sarah Gustafson

2013 40 Under Forty: Eric Gustafson

2013 40 Under Forty: Aldo Guerrero

2013 40 Under Forty: Thomas M. Gregory

2013 40 Under Forty: Jodie Grady

2013 40 Under Forty: Melissa A. Gleick

2013 40 Under Forty: Elisabeth Gilbride

2013 40 Under Forty: Adrien Finlay

2013 40 Under Forty: Brittany Durgin

2013 40 Under Forty: Sarah Day

2013 40 Under Forty: Ryan Clutterbuck

2013 40 Under Forty: Michael W. Steuer Jr.

2013 40 Under Forty: William R. Simpson

2013 40 Under Forty: Liz Sheehan Castro

2013 40 Under Forty: Kate Sharry

2013 40 Under Forty: Robert R. Rucci

2013 40 Under Forty: Ben Robinson

2013 40 Under Forty: J. Christian Rea

2013 40 Under Forty: Amanda Parker

2013 40 Under Forty: Tiffany A. Moore Simas

2013 40 Under Forty: Alexandra Montgomery

2013 40 Under Forty: Patrick J. McCarty

2013 40 Under Forty: Olga Kwasniewski

2013 40 Under Forty: Ryan M. Kittredge

2013 40 Under Forty: Heather G. Keenan

2013 40 Under Forty: Denise Kapulka

2013 40 Under Forty: Fred Kaelin

2013 Forty Under 40: Jennifer Hogan

2013 40 Under Forty: Corey F. Higgins

2013 Forty Under 40: Richard Hayward Jr.

2013 40 Under Forty: Sarah Gustafson

2013 40 Under Forty: Eric Gustafson

2013 40 Under Forty: Aldo Guerrero

2013 40 Under Forty: Thomas M. Gregory

2013 40 Under Forty: Jodie Grady

2013 40 Under Forty: Melissa A. Gleick

2013 40 Under Forty: Elisabeth Gilbride

2013 40 Under Forty: Adrien Finlay

2013 40 Under Forty: Brittany Durgin

2013 40 Under Forty: Sarah Day

2013 40 Under Forty: Ryan Clutterbuck

2013 40 Under Forty: Jared Chrudimsky

2013 40 Under Forty: Amy Lynn Chase

2013 40 Under Forty: Todd Brodeur

WBJ 40 Under Forty: A New Batch Of Youth

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