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August 30, 2010

2010 40 Under Forty: Walter A. Ohanian

President & Managing Director, The Grantham Group

Company location: Marlborough

Residence: Westford

Age: 37

Career highlights: After college I became a licensed nursing home administrator. I had the opportunity to combine these experiences and became the executive director for Christopher Heights of Worcester assisted living community in 1997. As our company grew I had the fortune of opening up all of our other assisted living communities in Webster, Attleboro and Marlborough. This year, I was appointed the managing director of The Grantham Group LLC, which is the management agent to Christopher House of Worcester Skilled Nursing and Rehabilitation and the four assisted living communities mentioned above.

Community involvement: Through our assisted living communities and nursing home we are active in a variety of charities. In particular, our company continues to participate in sending care packages to U.S. troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. During the holidays, we have a collection for Toys for Tots. We are also active in helping raise money for the Alzheimer’s Association, in hopes of finding a cure for this horrible disease.

Biggest success: Helping people find solutions when they are in crisis is what our company does well. When we opened up our community in Marlborough we had a resident who moved from an area nursing home. She had been there for three years because she couldn’t afford to move anywhere else. She now has her own private apartment with all of the services she needs to continue to live independently.

Mentors: As children, my sister and I would deliver mother’s day flowers to the patients at a nursing home my father ran. He and my mother have an appreciation for the elderly that was evident to us at a young age. Their work ethic and dedication to seniors is what I use as a guide in my personal life and career path.

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