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July 8, 2013

101: Building Teams

Management is more than just helping others succeed. It also involves fostering a unique group dynamic that leverages excellence, emphasizes individual strengths and holds team members accountable. As parts of a team, employees can boost each other, minimize weaknesses, and enjoy the fruits of labor that only a true collaboration can bring. Here are three things to keep in mind as you build new teams or strengthen existing ones:

If in doubt, cut out. Kevin C. Ryan, founder of fashion retailer Gilt Groupe, wrote in an article that managers are generally not rigorous enough about letting people go when they don't work out. He believes that the only way to make room for stronger players on a team is to remove weaker links. He suggests a conversation with a low-performing employee that starts like this: “You rank tenth out of 10 in performance ... We may not be the right company for you. I know you don't want to be in a situation where people think you're the lowest performer.”

Allocate roles, but be open to change. A team member you don't know well may emerge as a leader or an expert in a certain area. On the other hand, an employee for whom you had high hopes may fall short. Don't get so locked into your structural plan that you fail to notice fluctuations that can benefit the group, advises an article at

Remember healthy competition is an asset. Competition among team members sets the bar higher for everyone, and will ultimately keep the project or projects interesting. Without competition, says Rahul Pandita in an article at, performance can become stagnant. “It is important that the team members are provided with enough opportunities to grow in their professional lives,” he writes.

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