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  • Editorial

    Central Mass. needs Opportunity Zone investments

    Updated: February 3, 2020

    If a developer was to pick an underutilized Worcester commercial property to revitalize and make his or her mark on the city, the 24-story Worcester Plaza would be a good choice.

    Updated: February 3, 2020
  • From the Editor

    Worcester’s buzz has to turn into substance

    Brad Kane January 20, 2020

    As much as hype can build up momentum, you can’t take it to the bank. Eventually, the sizzle needs the steak.

    Brad Kane January 20, 2020
  • Editorial

    Running the numbers on the WooSox deal

    Updated: January 20, 2020

    A better measure for judging project success than the tax revenues from properties near the new stadium would be the overall municipal tax revenues rising at a healthy pace.

    Updated: January 20, 2020
  • Editorial

    UMass Memorial's Dickson proves he is worth $2.3M

    Updated: January 6, 2020

    It is easy to scoff at the $2.3 million in total compensation made by Eric Dickson, president and CEO of UMass Memorial Health Care in Worcester, and say he is overpaid.

    Updated: January 6, 2020
  • From the Editor

    The new U.S. immigration policy is just so stupid

    Brad Kane December 9, 2019

    The U.S. can’t continue to have the world’s No. 1 economy with the world’s No. 3 population size without relying on outsiders coming in to help.

    Brad Kane December 9, 2019
  • Editorial

    Massachusetts must be national leader on immigration

    Updated: December 9, 2019

    In order to become a state where immigrants want to pursue the American dream, Massachusetts needs to do more than hang a Welcome sign on its front door.

    Updated: December 9, 2019
  • From the Editor

    The jobless heroes of a dead sports blog

    Brad Kane Updated: November 25, 2019

    Oct. 30, 2019 marked a profound and great day in the history of American ideals, which left the heroes at the center of this story unemployed.

    Brad Kane Updated: November 25, 2019
  • Editorial

    Massachusetts needs to lean into public transit

    Updated: November 25, 2019

    As state legislators go behind closed doors to understand the issue better before arriving at a comprehensive strategy, we urge them to consider a solution placing high priority on public transit.

    Updated: November 25, 2019
  • Editorial

    Outsiders have Worcester trending up

    Updated: October 28, 2019

    In October, two of the three tallest buildings in Worcester, a couple blocks from each other on Main Street, were sold to investors from Boston and Los Angeles, indicating the growing level of interest in the market from outside the region will

    Updated: October 28, 2019
  • From the Editor

    Because I have an awesome wife

    Brad Kane Updated: October 28, 2019

    A frequent question/statement I get from people once they start to know me is, “How do you do it all?” or “I don’t know how you do it.”

    Brad Kane Updated: October 28, 2019
  • Editorial

    Implementing education reform will be the real challenge

    October 14, 2019

    Massachusetts appears headed in the right direction toward closing the achievement gap in its public schools, as the state Senate passed the $1.5-billion Student Opportunity Act earlier this month. The House takes up the bill next, with Gov.

    October 14, 2019
  • Editorial

    Worcester could be a craft beer town

    September 30, 2019

    In 2018, craft brewers made up 13% of all beer made in the U.S., up a percentage point from 2016.

    That’s good for $28 billion in revenues split among the country’s 7,000+ craft breweries.

    September 30, 2019
  • From the editor

    All of my favorite restaurants have closed

    Brad Kane September 27, 2019

    Restaurant patrons like me are good to pay the bills, but we will never fork over enough money consistently for high-quality restaurants like cover subject Jared Forman’s deadhorse hill to open en masse around the city.

    Brad Kane September 27, 2019
  • Editorial

    The next generation of leadership

    September 16, 2019

    Back in March, we wrote in this space about how pending retirements among longtime CEOs and executive directors at more than a dozen key businesses and nonprofits like Edward M.

    September 16, 2019
  • From the editor

    A recession will come, eventually

    September 13, 2019

    Back in September 2008 when I was young and invincible (and stupid), I decided to leave my steady reporting job at the Naples Daily News in Florida to be a freelance correspondent for the Boston Globe, fulfilling a dream of writing for a major

    September 13, 2019
  • Help ease traffic congestion

    September 2, 2019

    Left unchecked, the rush hour problem will only grow, especially as more people commute from affordable communities in far-flung suburbs to economic centers like Worcester and Boston.

    September 2, 2019