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Poll results

A new study from real estate website Apartment List found the number super commuters –  workers who travel more than 90 minutes to get to work – is growing. In Worcester County, more than 12,800 residents fit this criteria in 2017, compared to 9,400 in 2009. 

What is the most amount of time you would be willing to travel for work?
90+ minutes (3%, 5 VOTES)
60-90 minutes (14%, 24 VOTES)
30-60 minutes (50%, 88 VOTES)
15-30 minutes (31%, 54 VOTES)
I want to live within walking distance of work. (3%, 5 VOTES)
Poll Description

A new study from real estate website Apartment List found the number super commuters –  workers who travel more than 90 minutes to get to work – is growing. In Worcester County, more than 12,800 residents fit this criteria in 2017, compared to 9,400 in 2009. 

  • 176 Votes

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  • August 27, 2019

    With many of the tech and startup companies (encouraged to be) in Boston, what choice do I have?