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Poll results

Worcester Magazine will take the place of the Telegram & Gazette’s GO! section, and the publications will begin sharing content. This comes more than a year after the alt weekly magazine was acquired by T&G parent Gatehouse Media and just weeks after a round of layoffs of eight staffers at the two publications. While WoMag has covered arts and entertainment in the past, previously it reported on a broader range of topics as an alternative to the Telegram. Now, the T&G envisions the magazine as the go-to publication for arts and entertainment.

Does Worcester Magazine’s consolidation into the Telegram leave a hole in Worcester’s media landscape?
Yes. WoMag was an important alternative voice in reporting on the city. (34%, 55 VOTES)
Yes. Too many Central Mass. publications are controlled by one company, Gatehouse Media. (41%, 66 VOTES)
No. Other alternatives like This Week in Worcester have filled the void. (14%, 22 VOTES)
No. I never saw a need for a publication like WoMag. (11%, 17 VOTES)
Poll Description

Worcester Magazine will take the place of the Telegram & Gazette’s GO! section, and the publications will begin sharing content. This comes more than a year after the alt weekly magazine was acquired by T&G parent Gatehouse Media and just weeks after a round of layoffs of eight staffers at the two publications. While WoMag has covered arts and entertainment in the past, previously it reported on a broader range of topics as an alternative to the Telegram. Now, the T&G envisions the magazine as the go-to publication for arts and entertainment.

  • 160 Votes

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  • July 16, 2019

    T&G should allow the WoMag to keep their attitude. Allowing edgier/ fringe articles to remain., even if the editor or group office does not always agree.
    Otherwise that open the door for a new independent mag to arise to keep the Worc reporting balanced