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August 13, 2019 Manufacturing insights

Worcester breweries team up for coffee beer

Photo | Courtesy The teams from Worcester's five breweries sample coffee from Acoustic Java to use in a new beer.

All five Worcester breweries are teaming up to release a beer, Snoopy Cap, next month for the first ever Mass Collab on Sept. 21,, a new iteration of the Mass Fermentational held by the Massachusetts Brewers Guild in Worcester. In an interview, Wormtown Brewery Managing Partner David Fields spoke about the project.

How was this project conceived?

The Brewers Guild, which is the unified body of all breweries in Massachusetts, decided to make this year’s event a collaboration. They sent out a notification to all brewers saying, “We’d like you to reach out to fellow breweries and seek partners to features beers at this event.”

And all five Worcester breweries jumped on board?

I reached out to (Executive Director) Katie Stinchon who runs the association and asked if it would be OK to get the entire group of Worcester breweries to do a collaboration together instead of just two breweries.

I sent an email to the teams at Flying Dreams Brewing Co., Redemption Rock Brewing Co., Greater Good Imperial Brewing Co. and 3Cross Fermentation Cooperative. 

Right away, they all jumped on board.

How did the teams work together to create the beer?

Our first meeting was at Fix Burger Bar where the breweries’ staff and creative minds got together, came up with the style and started to work on the recipe right away. 

What is the style?

It’s a coffee brown ale. We’re working with Acoustic Java on finding the right coffee. We were there last week smelling the different coffees, and we have a tasting next.

Which brewery will handle production?

It’s going to be brewed as a 10-barrel batch at Redemption Rock, and then all of us will contract a small portion of that volume to serve in our own taprooms.

What was it like to have all five breweries work together for the first time?

When you put the entire group together, they start getting their energy, creativity and ideas together. That spun off into what we’re calling Worcester Beer Week. 

What’s Worcester Beer Week?

All five breweries are getting together to kick off Worcester Beer Week in conjunction with the Brewers Guild event. We’ll be doing events all over and are chartering buses to run from Union Station to all five breweries. We’re doing this in collaboration with Discover Central Mass. 

How did the breweries come up with the name?

We were tossing a bunch of ideas around, and I always knew David Clark Cos. has an incredible history being based in Worcester. I suggested the idea of tying this into the 50th anniversary of the moon landing to honor Worcester’s impact and part it played in sending man to the moon. 

I sent the definition and didn't even know they approved it until it was printed. 

This interview was conducted and edited for length and clarity by WBJ Staff Writer Zachary Comeau. 

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