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January 6, 2009

Why Employees Feel They Should Leave Their Jobs

The rapid changes in technology and business conditions have generated numerous reasons, real and perceived, for employees to leave their jobs at regular intervals. Here are some of the most often given.

Employees feel unrecognized and unappreciated.

Employees believe there is little hope for career advancement or career growth. Unlike some years ago, they feel that there are distinct "classes" of employees and many jobs offer little opportunity to advance with their employer or with their career while they remain in this job.

Employees believe that their current position is not what it was represented to be during the interview phase.

Employees are overworked and totally stressed out at their jobs. Many people perceive an overwhelming lack of respect for themselves and their work/life balance issues.

Employees perceive a serious lack of coaching and/or mentoring from their employers. A related common employee complaint is that the majority of feedback they receive is negative in content, neither encouraging nor enlightening.

Courtesy of Kelly Services. Click here to read the complete article. To learn more about Kelly Services, visit

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