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March 1, 2010

WBJ Talk Back In The March 1, 2010 Issue

“The board chairman’s job is NOT to make policy. It is to chair the meetings of the board so that the board arrives at its deliberate will in making policy. The chairman can bring his ideas to the board like any other board member, but his role as a chairman is to know how to preside so as to bring out the will of the board.”

Cajprp on an article on the challenges facing nonprofit board chairmen.

“Tsongas voted for TARP, stimulus, omnibus, cap and trade and ‘Obamacare,’ which all resulted in zero private sector jobs. Now she wants a photo op in an election year to show she’s creating jobs?”

Stevebowl a WBJ Daily Report that U.S. Rep. Niki Tsongas, D-Lowell, would be hosting a small business roundtable in Ayer.

“A lot of these ads are incredibly funny, but not particularly effective because you have no idea what they’re advertising. I really think most of the ads are for the advertising agencies egos and not the clients.”

Anonymous reader commenting on a poll by the WBJ asking readers about the Super Bowl advertisements.

“Maybe the Democrats should consider a bi-partisan approach? It worked for Reagan and Clinton. Republicans are under no obligation to applaud or jump to their feet every time Obama’s teleprompter says “pause for applause.”

Donald Chaisson on commenting on his reaction to the president’s State of the Union speech on a Worcester Business Journal LinkedIn discussion group.

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